Shannon Yeager.

President Doug Griffin

Doug has been professionally flying for over 40 years and attended Auburn University where he worked his way through school by being a Certified Flight Instructor. He is a former Certified Public Accountant and in his "spare time" rides motorcycles, SCUBA dives, and often flies for charitable groups involving animal rescue and medical/compassion flights.

Shannon Yeager.

Director of Operations Shannon Yeager, ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI

Dave Schall.

Director of Maintenance Dave Schall

Craig Miller.

Chief Pilot & Check Airman Craig Miller, ATP

After honorably serving in the United States Marine Corps, Craig has focused on working his way through the world of aviation. Starting out as a Line Service Technician, Craig was promoted to Lead Line Service Technician Supervisor within the first seven months on the job all while simultaneously working on his Flight Instructor training..

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